Friday, October 27, 2006
hello there,
it is yet another glorious freezing day in scotland, I am considering jumping the last traing back to Watford tonight but wanted to update a few things wether it be by linking all my online escapades but in a way it is truly showing the nature of not having a job, and by default having a lot of time on my hands
I have been trying to get my creative juices flowing again, they stopped for a whil, or did they?
well I did live in England without my decks for six months and having them back now is surely a relief.
so I have been getting to play outside my bedroom, heh heh.
I also bought a guitar a while back, I might have mentioned this already but didn't continue my practice very well. I did pick it up on Monday (it has to be said)
Kelly let me loose on his computer for the day and I have the start of a sweet little funky tune using the magic that is fruity loops. will be continuing that when i get back to England.
On Saturday of last week I also dabbled in writing random lyrics on a note pad, though I mad a point of drinking a lot of vodka first, ok basically I was plastered but it seemed to work.
Kelly has been very proactive in getting the old online presence being heard in terms of a collective, Known as The KnA Collective
have a look only Kelly stuff is on there at the moment, but i think you will agree that it is not bad.
looks as though Kelly has been getting proactive on the "get my but on internet radio" front, with a couple of net stations in watford been receiving his demos.
here is another way we have been getting creative.
I started to continue the Sci Fi epic that has been in my head since I was atleast 14, but as I continue to write and read back I get the usual "that wouldn't happen!!" and "Thay wouldn't say that you muppet!"
oh bother,
Also Kelly hatched an idea to write a sitcom including characters based on our friends, I would say the format idea but that would be giving the secrets away mwhahaahahahaahah
ahem anyway, I'm still not working yet though I have a job lined up for next month but remember what I was saying about having a lot of timeon my hands,
But it's not all idle creative attempts, I also go to the gym
lundi 11 juin 2007
musicy Friends
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
hey there,
thought i would give an update as to what exactly I am doing about this plan to be a dj.
When I first started this blog it was really about my ramblings of trying to get a gig somewhere in glasgow.
it never seemed to happen, well I got a monday night in an un named union and then got the odd one offs, including a launch party for the LGBT society at Glesga Uni. (like to add the vice president of which, apart from my then flatmate, was dead against the idea, well to be more specific, me)
so I move down to the South East, Watford to be exact and then I eventually trickle all my records and my decks down.
Thanks to one K fisher, I get to play music on vinyl in front of people in the Flag in Watford, right next to the main train station so maybe there is scope for branching to a london market, unlikely but hey we all have our dreams.
actually I'm in with a really cool group of friends at the moment.

i chose this picture for I love star wars and jaba is a meany.
previously I seemed to be hanging out with people that seemed to take pleasure in seeing me fail whether it be socially, in relationships, not too sure, but the K fisher group is quite the collective. I'll describe everyone.
before I continure, I will be liking my buds to famous people
Firstly there is Kelly who is heavily into his house, infact he is involving me in a collective, or we're starting one in a bid to seek you fortune and educate the masses about house. I think he looks a bit like bluto

He has the same birthday as John Lennon and enjoys pizzas from the "olive tree"
he also likes a lot of chilled out ambient detroity things.
then we have Paul, also known as cholks, he is a funky guy , he especially loves the ladies, a bit of old house, similar vein to Kelly me thinks. constantly smiling unless his laptop is in danger. would put a picture up that looks like him but no one does him any justice, i think. Will have to consult him about who he doesn't mind being likened too but for now, where is some more Kelly

then you have Leo, Leo has recently been christianed, MC narcaleptic, by richar (will get onto him next) as all he plays is jazz funk and jazz and sometimes funk, and possibly some hip hop, Kelly has since taken this name on for him on a regular basis, saves changing the material every week. Leo has a loevly girlfriend called lynsey, I have nothing bad to say about her as you couldn't meet a nicer person, very infectious laugh too, heh heh.
ever so slightly looks like mark wahlberg

this is what he looks like when someone other than him is on the decks, little hijacker that he is.
Richard Also known as Tory boy has a great Job in London, lives up the met and enjoys the company of the ladies, prefers the mature lady, christianed Leo DJ Narcaleptic, Kelly kept it going. He has a lady called Clare, she is cool.
I think richard bares a slight resemblence for this young dapper chap

How could have I waited to mention Vicki until now, she is really groovey, not a girly girl, I think very uch on a similar wave length to me. infact we had a "girlie night in" last Saturday, it was groovey, we watched about a boy, I mentioned to her that I think she looks a little like a vampire, or maybe that burd from Evanescence

she also likes system of a down
Ashley is a cool dude, he can belt out a tune, really good voice and always greats you with a kiss, a true gent not sure who he looks like maybe?

Clive is a great guy, always says if he really likes a tune I play and is polite enough not to boo me

so that is the group I am speaking to at the moment.
I think I have decided to stay here longer more because I have finally met people closer to my wave length
Kelly came up with an idea basically for a sitcom involving all these characters, oh should be cool, will update later, maybe I'll call the post "creative attempts"
hey there,
thought i would give an update as to what exactly I am doing about this plan to be a dj.
When I first started this blog it was really about my ramblings of trying to get a gig somewhere in glasgow.
it never seemed to happen, well I got a monday night in an un named union and then got the odd one offs, including a launch party for the LGBT society at Glesga Uni. (like to add the vice president of which, apart from my then flatmate, was dead against the idea, well to be more specific, me)
so I move down to the South East, Watford to be exact and then I eventually trickle all my records and my decks down.
Thanks to one K fisher, I get to play music on vinyl in front of people in the Flag in Watford, right next to the main train station so maybe there is scope for branching to a london market, unlikely but hey we all have our dreams.
actually I'm in with a really cool group of friends at the moment.

i chose this picture for I love star wars and jaba is a meany.
previously I seemed to be hanging out with people that seemed to take pleasure in seeing me fail whether it be socially, in relationships, not too sure, but the K fisher group is quite the collective. I'll describe everyone.
before I continure, I will be liking my buds to famous people
Firstly there is Kelly who is heavily into his house, infact he is involving me in a collective, or we're starting one in a bid to seek you fortune and educate the masses about house. I think he looks a bit like bluto

He has the same birthday as John Lennon and enjoys pizzas from the "olive tree"
he also likes a lot of chilled out ambient detroity things.
then we have Paul, also known as cholks, he is a funky guy , he especially loves the ladies, a bit of old house, similar vein to Kelly me thinks. constantly smiling unless his laptop is in danger. would put a picture up that looks like him but no one does him any justice, i think. Will have to consult him about who he doesn't mind being likened too but for now, where is some more Kelly

then you have Leo, Leo has recently been christianed, MC narcaleptic, by richar (will get onto him next) as all he plays is jazz funk and jazz and sometimes funk, and possibly some hip hop, Kelly has since taken this name on for him on a regular basis, saves changing the material every week. Leo has a loevly girlfriend called lynsey, I have nothing bad to say about her as you couldn't meet a nicer person, very infectious laugh too, heh heh.
ever so slightly looks like mark wahlberg

this is what he looks like when someone other than him is on the decks, little hijacker that he is.
Richard Also known as Tory boy has a great Job in London, lives up the met and enjoys the company of the ladies, prefers the mature lady, christianed Leo DJ Narcaleptic, Kelly kept it going. He has a lady called Clare, she is cool.
I think richard bares a slight resemblence for this young dapper chap

How could have I waited to mention Vicki until now, she is really groovey, not a girly girl, I think very uch on a similar wave length to me. infact we had a "girlie night in" last Saturday, it was groovey, we watched about a boy, I mentioned to her that I think she looks a little like a vampire, or maybe that burd from Evanescence

she also likes system of a down
Ashley is a cool dude, he can belt out a tune, really good voice and always greats you with a kiss, a true gent not sure who he looks like maybe?

Clive is a great guy, always says if he really likes a tune I play and is polite enough not to boo me

so that is the group I am speaking to at the moment.
I think I have decided to stay here longer more because I have finally met people closer to my wave length
Kelly came up with an idea basically for a sitcom involving all these characters, oh should be cool, will update later, maybe I'll call the post "creative attempts"
random train journey
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
(just to set the context, this morning, without going to sleep i went to Watford junction to catch the next train to glasgow, the folowing transpired without my doing)
yo, sent my mum a bouquet of flowers for her birthday yesterday, but my dad goes and blows the surprise
So I decide to come up and surprise her myself, heh heh.
She was delighted.
anyhoo, a fight broke out on the train up here,
Some wee knobs were playing BAD garage from about Milton Keynes to Preston, and wouldn't shut up. an adult asked them to turn it down and it escalated into a full blown argument, with this lady who had confronted them, confiscating their stereo,
One girl kept shouting out that this lady was in fact a "wanker" and lots of "f"s were said.
Eventually this lady who is a bit older than these kids, tells them "I'm fucking sick of you, you are selfish, go on, get off of the train"
It was their stop anyway. It also meant I didn't get any sleep.
It turned physical and the virgin staff did nothing about it,
Neither did I as I was a little mashed, from lack of sleep, plus there were more of them than there were of me, and they were far-ish away
ps the train tilted, and it was super duper fast
(just to set the context, this morning, without going to sleep i went to Watford junction to catch the next train to glasgow, the folowing transpired without my doing)
yo, sent my mum a bouquet of flowers for her birthday yesterday, but my dad goes and blows the surprise
So I decide to come up and surprise her myself, heh heh.
She was delighted.
anyhoo, a fight broke out on the train up here,
Some wee knobs were playing BAD garage from about Milton Keynes to Preston, and wouldn't shut up. an adult asked them to turn it down and it escalated into a full blown argument, with this lady who had confronted them, confiscating their stereo,
One girl kept shouting out that this lady was in fact a "wanker" and lots of "f"s were said.
Eventually this lady who is a bit older than these kids, tells them "I'm fucking sick of you, you are selfish, go on, get off of the train"
It was their stop anyway. It also meant I didn't get any sleep.
It turned physical and the virgin staff did nothing about it,
Neither did I as I was a little mashed, from lack of sleep, plus there were more of them than there were of me, and they were far-ish away
ps the train tilted, and it was super duper fast
Adventures as a trying to be DJ
Monday, September 25, 2006
I quit my job,
it wasn't evil, the company weren't terrible (despite what some people say when tossing the rattle) the people were cool, but I couldn't be bothered anymore, so took the option of redundancy (4 weeks paid notice). so not too troubled.
was planning on leaving England for good, (whether it be back to scotia or to Spain just away)
then kelly mentioned a party I could dj at and be paid not too badly for it at all. heh heh so I said yes,
well this party was ahppening at the same pub we dj at on Sundays, but on a friday,
it was a bit of an ordeal as the people going were mostly young, and wanting shakira,
we all just said that the crowd were musically inept, but I did sell my ass a little to the musical devil. more about the ass selling later
I quit my job,
it wasn't evil, the company weren't terrible (despite what some people say when tossing the rattle) the people were cool, but I couldn't be bothered anymore, so took the option of redundancy (4 weeks paid notice). so not too troubled.
was planning on leaving England for good, (whether it be back to scotia or to Spain just away)
then kelly mentioned a party I could dj at and be paid not too badly for it at all. heh heh so I said yes,
well this party was ahppening at the same pub we dj at on Sundays, but on a friday,
it was a bit of an ordeal as the people going were mostly young, and wanting shakira,
we all just said that the crowd were musically inept, but I did sell my ass a little to the musical devil. more about the ass selling later
busy busy
So saturday the 26th is here,
off to that festival later, but managed to just rangle a 4 hour shift today after an evil 12 hour shift on Thursday.
I believe Alex is back in the country but I am too excited to call him. We shall be hooking up in glasgow hopefully.
actually might go to the polo lounge on Wednesday to remanise about the old days. ahhhh. (sigh)
will be nice to get away from watford, especially as the majority of people here are actually evil.
Thursday night was a drink after work to say farewell to dhiren. he started the same day as me, he is a cool bloke.
then afterwards was taken to Frankie and Benny's by David.
After we sat down I actually admitted that it was one of my favourite places to go and eat.
Well the one in Glasgow anyway.
the Frankie and Benny's in Glsgow is on Springfeild Quay, under the kingston bridge next to the rive clyde. it's cool down there, across the river is where the refrew ferry is situated. really getting geared up for this visit.
I'll be working Monday and tuesday then flying up on Tuesday night.
(starts singing "I belong tae glasgae" and walks off alowing this monologue to tail off)

off to that festival later, but managed to just rangle a 4 hour shift today after an evil 12 hour shift on Thursday.
I believe Alex is back in the country but I am too excited to call him. We shall be hooking up in glasgow hopefully.
actually might go to the polo lounge on Wednesday to remanise about the old days. ahhhh. (sigh)
will be nice to get away from watford, especially as the majority of people here are actually evil.
Thursday night was a drink after work to say farewell to dhiren. he started the same day as me, he is a cool bloke.
then afterwards was taken to Frankie and Benny's by David.
After we sat down I actually admitted that it was one of my favourite places to go and eat.
Well the one in Glasgow anyway.
the Frankie and Benny's in Glsgow is on Springfeild Quay, under the kingston bridge next to the rive clyde. it's cool down there, across the river is where the refrew ferry is situated. really getting geared up for this visit.
I'll be working Monday and tuesday then flying up on Tuesday night.
(starts singing "I belong tae glasgae" and walks off alowing this monologue to tail off)

TDK Cross Central

hey there
My friend Polly invited me along to a festival with the above title
it's next Saturday 5pm till 5am.
should be good, and it fits around my busy schedual.
tha main act we are planning on catching is Lady Tron,.
rather looking forward to this. should be a cool event. then a few days later I fly up to glasgow.

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